Vehicle Cost Per Mile Report

Vehicle Cost Per Mile Report

This report prints all the vehicle costs and cost per mile. sorted by department number. Both current period and year to date costs are reported. You will be prompted to enter the beginning date of the current period, the starting date of your fiscal period, and the facility number. 
This report is ESSENTIAL for the fleet manager. It contains all pertinent cost information for vehicles and departments. 

Prints the following: 
vehicle number
vehicle year
vehicle make
vehicle model
fuel type
miles traveled for period and year
fuel cost for period and year
oil cost for period and year
labor cost for period and year
parts cost for period and year
tires cost for period and year
miscellaneous cost for period and year
outside cost for period and year
fixed cost for period and year
total cost for period and year
cost per mile for period and year 
Subtotals the following: 
number of vehicles in the department 
Subtotals and Grand Totals on the following: 
miles traveled for period and yearfixed cost for period and year
fuel cost for period and yeartotal cost for period and year
oil cost for period and yearcost per mile for period and year
labor cost for period and yearaverage per mile for period and year
parts cost for period and year
tires cost for period and year
miscellaneous cost for period and year
outside cost for period and year

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