Excessive Parts Report

Excessive Parts Report

Note: This report utilizes the reorder information in the part master screen MPM or 5111 and the Standard Reorder point setting in SSP or 8117 Line# 22. If you don't have valid reorder information or are using the Calculated method the suggested quantities will not calculate correctly. 
This report prints a list of parts that exceed the suggested inventory quantity, which is calculated by using the reorder, point and reorder quantity information in the parts master screen. It also pulls parts over a user inputted "excess" dollar amount. You will be prompted to select the facility, part number range and an x factor for the excess amount. 
This report can be used to help reduce overhead and streamline the parts inventory or it can be used to identify parts that may have reorder points set wrong in the part file. 
Prints the following:

Report is sorted by: Bin location and part number
Bin number
Part number
Part Description
Average Year Usage
Suggested on hand quantity (reorder point minus 1 plus reorder quantity)
On hand
Average price
Inventory value (on hand times average price)
Difference (On hand minus suggested quantity)
Average price
Excess total
Grand Totals: On Inventory value and Excess value

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