Parts on Order Through Purchase Orders

Parts on Order Through Purchase Orders

This report shows all parts currently on order through purchase orders. It is sorted and subtotaled by part number. It prints the purchase order number and line number, along with the on-order quantity, ordered price, and extension. 
You will be prompted for the starting and ending purchase order facility and starting and ending part number ranges. 
This report is a must for the parts manager and/or the person receiving the purchase orders! It provides an excellent daily or weekly list of all open purchase orders, and can be used as a receiving document for the person responsible for checking in and verifying purchases received. 

Prints the following: 
Purchase order number
Purchase order line number
Part number on order
Part description
Quantity on order on that line
Ordered price on that line
Extension (on-order times price) 
Grand totals: 
Quantity of all parts on order in range
Extension of all parts on order in range

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