Tricoder Data Collection Programs

Tricoder Data Collection Programs

The TriCoder comes loaded with the three data collection programs that you selected. All seven options are documented below.  These programs are used to capture hundreds of data transactions, which can then be uploaded into the RTA system using the DATA UPLOAD mode. To collect data, press "YES" at the "DATA COLLECTION?" prompt on the TriCoder. At the PROGRAM NO.? prompt, enter 1, 2, or 3 for the program number, depending on the type of data you will be collecting. If a data file already exists, you will not be prompted for the program number. If no programs are selected, the defaults are PO Parts Received, Parts Inventory, and Inventory Bin.


The Fueling program is used to collect fuel data at your fuel island. Rather than logging the fuel information on a paper form and then manually entering it into the RTA system, the data is entered into the TriCoder and then uploaded into RTA. The Fueling program prompts for the following data:

  • Vehicle number

  • Odometer reading

  • Pump number

  • Quantity (fuel quantity pumped)

To upload the collected fuel data into the RTA system, connect the TriCoder to the host computer and select the "DATA UPLOAD" prompt (DO NOT press "YES" yet). In the RTA system, select the Tricoder Input menu option (FFT), answer the screen prompts and then choose OK. The “Processing Tricoder Fuel Entry” window will come up and the cursor will be awaiting entry in the Vehicle field. At this point, press YES on the TriCoder to start the upload process.

Tricoder Fueling, Oil, and Transmission Fluid

This program, along with fueling vehicles from your pumps, will also let the user post oil and transmission fluid to vehicles. The oil and transmission fluid cost are posted to the vehicle and the quantities are deducted from your inventory. With this program, the oil and transmission part numbers are pulled from the vehicle’s fluid screen (MVM). If no part is found there, the prices from lines 34 and 36 from the Fueling tab in the System Switches(SSM) will be used. The program prompts for the following data:

  • Unit Number
  • Meter Reading
  • Pump Number
  • Fuel Quantity
  • Oil Quantity
  • Transmission Fluid Quantity

An Exception Report can be printed if any errors are encountered. Examples of messages and action needed:

Fuel Usage: Information only; all files are updated from the transactions.

Miles High, Odometer Updated: Information only; the vehicle meter is updated.

Miles Excessive Update Odom: Appears when the meter reading from the TriCoder exceeds the meter reading in the RTA system by too many miles. Verify the meter reading and, if the reading from the TriCoder is correct, you’ll need to manually update the vehicle in RTA (FFQ) to avoid getting this message on the next upload.

Manually Update Odometer: Indicates the meter reading from the TriCoder is less than the reading in RTA.  

Vehicle not Found: Indicates the vehicle does not exist in RTA and no transaction was written.

Oil Part not Found ~ or ~ Trans Part not Found: Indicates the part number from the corresponding field in the Vehicle Fluid screen was not found in the part file.

Tricoder Fueling, Oil, Transmission Fluid and Antifreeze

Same as the program above with two exceptions:

  1. This program prompts for antifreeze in addition to the two other fluids
  2. This program does not use the prices from the parts inventory nor update the part quantity on hand.  The prices to post are setup in the Fueling Parameters screen (SSM), lines 33-36.

Odometer Update

This program is used for updating vehicle meter readings. It’s perfect for walking the yard to record the latest vehicle meter readings or collecting all meter readings at month-end. User Programs, Menu Setup (SRS):

This program needs to be accessed from the User Programs custom menu(SRS). To set up this user program:

  1. Go to System > User Programs > Setup User Programs Menu
  2. Type a menu name in an available line such as “Tricoder Odometer Update”
  3. Put in the program Name as "sslvehin.cob"
  4. Leave the security at zero and the flag blank.
  5. Click the "OK" button to save and exit.

The program prompts for:

  • Vehicle Number and Odometer Reading

In RTA, select System > User Programs > Tricoder Odometer Update. When uploading the collected data from the TriCoder, you’ll have the option to update the fuel meter as well. The entries can be checked by the reports printed after the upload is finished: Odometer Exceptions Report and the Yard Vehicle Inventory Report. On the Tricoder, press F1, say No to Data Collection, say Yes to Data Upload.  The Tricoder will upload the data into the computer and all necessary files will be updated in RTA.

Parts Inventory

The Inventory program is used to simplify and speed up the process of doing physical part inventories and cycle counts. It prompts for the following data:

  • Part number

  • Quantity (physical count)

To upload the collected part inventory data into the RTA system, connect the TriCoder to the host computer and get it to the "DATA UPLOAD" prompt (DO NOT press "YES" yet). In the RTA system, select the TriCoder Entry menu option (PC), answer the screen prompts and then choose "OK". The “Process Tricoder Data” window will come up and the cursor will be awaiting entry in the Part Number field. At this point, press "YES" on the TriCoder to start the upload process.

Inventory Bin

The Inventory Bin program is used to renumber your bin locations. It prompts for the following data:

  • Part number
  • Bin number

To upload the collected bin data into the RTA system, connect the TriCoder to host computer and get it to the"DATA UPLOAD" prompt (DO NOT press "YES" yet). In the RTA system, select the TriCoder Bin Update menu option (STPT), answer the screen prompts and then choose "OK". The “Process Tricoder Data” window will come up and the cursor will be awaiting entry in the Part Number field. At this point, press "YES" on the TriCoder to start the upload process.

PO Parts Received

This program needs to be accessed from the User Programs custom menu(SRS). To set up this user program:

  1. Go to System > User Programs > Setup User Programs Menu
  2. Type a menu name in an available line such as “Tricoder PO Receive”
  3. Put in the program Name as "tcporcv.cob"
  4. Leave the security at zero and the flag blank.
  5. Click the "OK" button to save and exit.

The Tricoder will prompt for the following:

  • PO Number

  • PO Extension (press enter if no extension)

  • Invoice Number

  • Part Number

  • Quantity Received

  • Price (if the price matches the PO, you may press enter through this field)

The Tricoder will then prompt repeatedly for Part Number, Quantity, and Price, for all parts that have the same PO#, Extension, and Invoice #.  Press the End key when moving on to another purchase order or invoice number, and the prompts will start at the beginning once again (PO# field).

Uploading the Tricoder Data into RTA:

  1. The purchase orders must be created in the RTA system prior to uploading the parts received from the Tricoder.
  2. Connect the Tricoder to the Y-cable.
  3. In RTA, select System > User Programs > Tricoder PO Receive.
  4. Press the Enter key in RTA after its completed.  If there are any errors, an Exception Report will then appear which should be printed.  These are the parts that were not found in RTA, or the part was not on order on that PO, or the PO did not exist.  These may be entered manually in the RTA system in PPC.  


If a higher quantity received is input into the Tricoder than is on-order in the PO, the higher quantity amount from the Tricoder will be used.

If a lower quantity received is put into the Tricoder, the remaining quantity on the PO will be placed on back-order.

If no price is input into the Tricoder, the price on the PO line will be used.

If a different price is input into the Tricoder, the price from the Tricoder will be used.

If Lot quantities are used on a PO line, the Lot quantity should be entered into the Tricoder.  For example, if you order 1 box of 100 bolts at $1 each, using a Lot of 1 @ $100.00, you would input a quantity received of 1 into the Tricoder.

Work Orders

This program allows you to create new work orders and post parts, labor, and tires to existing work orders. It will start by prompting you if it is a new or existing WO.


(Selecting New Work Order by pressing "Enter> key, you will get these prompts)

  • Enter Unit Number
  • Enter Meter Reading
  • Enter the Major VMRS code (first 3-digits)
  • Enter the Intermediate VMRS code (second 3-digits)
  • Line Type code 1-10 (check, repair, replace, etc)
  • Enter type of posting: 1=P(arts) 2=L(abor) 3=T(ires) 0=EXIT Exit will take you back up to VMRS Code Prompt to add another line


  • Enter Part Number or END Prompts for part number or press the END key to exit. END key will take you back up to Parts/Labor/Tire/Exit prompt.
  • Quantity After Quantity is entered it takes you back to Part Number prompt.


  • Enter Mechanic Number or END   Prompts for Mechanic Number or press the END key to exit. END key will take you back up to Parts/Labor/Tire/Exit Prompt.
  • Enter Hours Worked After hours are entered it takes you back to Mechanic Number prompt.


  • Enter Tire Number or END Prompts you for Tire Number, or press the END key to exit. End key will take you back up to Parts/Labor/Tire/Exit prompt.
  • 1=Mount or 2=Dismount Prompts you to Mount or Dismount the selected tire.


  • Tire Position: Prompts you for the Tire Position.


  • Tread Depth: Prompts for the tire tread depth of the dismounted tire.
  • Dismount to: Send dismounted tire to (1)Inventory or (2)Out of Service.


(Pressing the 0 key for existing WO will get you these prompts.)

  • Enter Unit Number
  • Enter Meter Reading
  • Enter WO# Prompt for existing Work Order Number.
  • WO Line# or END Prompt for Work Order Line Number, or press the END key to exit back up to new or existing Work Order prompt.
  • 1=P(art) 2=L(abor) 3=T(ire) 0=Exit. Exit takes you back up to WO Line# prompt to move to next line.


  • Part Number or END Prompts for part number or press the END key to return to Parts/Labor/Tire/Exit prompt.
  • Enter Quantity After Quantity is entered it takes you back to Part Number prompt.


  • Mechanic Number or END Prompts for Mech Number or press the END key to return to the Parts/Labor/Tire/Exit Prompt.
  • Enter Hours Worked After hours are entered it takes you back to Mechanic Number Prompt.


  • Tire Number or END Prompts you for Tire Number, or press the END key to return to Parts/Labor/Tire/Exit prompt.
  • 1=Mount or 2=Dismount Prompts you to Mount or Dismount the tire selected


  • Tire Position: Prompts you for the Tire Position.


  • Tread Depth: Prompts for the tire tread depth of the dismounted tire.
  • Dismount to: Send dismounted tire to (1)Inventory or (2)Out of Service.

Uploading the Tricoder:

  1. Go into the RTA system and select WO > Tricoder Entry (WC). Enter the facility where the work orders will be created.
  2. Select to close the work orders being uploaded or leave them open. Close WOs (Yes/No) 
  3. Select which stocking area the parts will be taken from.  Leave as 1 if multiple stocking areas are not being used.
  4. Click OK to save the settings and the prompt should then be “Uploading Tricoder”.  
  5. To upload the collected work orders into the RTA system, connect the TriCoder to host computer and get it to the “DATA UPLOAD” prompt.  Press "YES" on the TriCoder to start the upload process. An exception report will print listing any errors or notifications, such as vehicle not found, part not found, etc.  These errors should be checked and/or corrected in the work order screen (WW).

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