Parts (KPI)

Parts (KPI)

Total parts: This is a count of the part numbers in RTA for the facility minus the parts marked as Consignment.
Total parts with inventory on hand: This is a count of the part numbers in RTA for the facility, minus the parts that have a Zero on hand and marked as Consignment. (A negative quantity is counted as Zero)
Total parts with no inventory on hand: This is a count of the part numbers in RTA for the facility, minus the parts that have an on hand quantity and marked as Consignment. (A negative quantity is counted as Zero)
Total inventory value: This is the Total inventory value at the moment the report is run. (On hand quantity times the current average price, then totaled for all parts. Consignment parts not included.)
Yearly inventory turn over rate: This number is taken from the Inventory Balance report 'Last Year' number. (Usage Divided by the Ending Inventory)
Inventory pricing breakout percentages: These 5 fields that show the percentage of the overall Inventory volume for parts with an average price of: Under $10, $10-$50, $50-$150, $150-$500, & Over $500.
Total parts with no usage: This number is the part count minus the number of parts posted in Work Orders plus parts with the 'U' type (Usage) in the part adjustment records for the date range of the report.
Value of parts with no usage: This is the total value of the parts from the prior line in this report.
Total parts with no usage in 13 periods: This count comes from the part master file the usage fields. If all fields are o the part qualifies for this count.
Total parts value with no usage in 13 periods: This is the total value of the parts from the prior line in this report.
Total warranty parts: This is a count of all parts that have the 'Warranty' box checked in the part master record.
Total non-chargeable parts: This is the count of parts that have the 'Chargeable' box un-checked in the part master record.
Total consignment parts: This is the count of parts that have the 'Consignment' box checked in the part master record.
Total stocked parts: This is the count of parts that have the 'Stocked' box checked in the part master record.
Inventory price breakouts by part type: These 9 fields are subtotals of the overall parts file value broken out by; PART, FUEL, TIRE, OIL, ATF, ANTIFREEZE, HYDRAULIC FLUID, GEAR OIL, CORE.
Total bin locations: This is a total count of the individual bin locations.
Total non-stock parts with inventory: This is the count of parts that have the 'Stocking' box un-checked and also have an on hand quantity. (Negative quantity on hand counts as zero)
Total non-stock parts with no inventory: This is the count of parts that have the 'Stocking' box un-checked and have no on hand quantity. (Negative quantity on hand counts as zero)
Ratio of stock to non-stock parts: This is the total part count divided by the total count of non-stock parts. i.e. (528 / 28 = 18 ---- Ratio = 18:1)
Total warranty claims submitted: This is the total count of warranty claims that have been submitted within the date range of this report.
Total warranty claims received: This is the total count of warranty claims that have been received within the date range of this report.
Value of credits from warranty claims: This is the total value of warranty claims that have been received within the date range of this report.
Total outstanding warranty claims: This is a total count of the warranty claims that have the status of Pending and Submitted.

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