Vehicles (KPI)

Vehicles (KPI)

Total vehicles: This is a count of the number of vehicles currently in the facility or region listed at the top of the report page.
Total license cost: This is the license cost that is charged when EOP was run. This looks at the Vehicle Audit database for the totals, so the date entered when the EOP Vehicles was run will dictate if the license cost is displayed.
Total classes: This is the current total of Class Codes being used for the vehicles in this report.
Total makes: This is the total by Makes being used for the vehicles in this report.
Total models: This is the total by Models being used for the vehicles in this report.
Average age of vehicles in years: This looks at the vehicle year. (Subtracts the Vehicle year from the current Year for the age of the vehicle. Totals the ages of the vehicles then divides by the number of vehicles.)
Oldest vehicle: The oldest vehicle for the facility or region listed at the top of the report page. (If 2 vehicles have the same year the vehicle with the lowest vehicle number is put on the report. 'First record found.')
Average miles per gallon: This looks at the Audit file and totals the fuel and the miles for the date range for all vehicles then divides the miles into the gallons to get MPG.
Highest miles per gallon vehicles: This looks at the Audit file and totals the fuel and the miles for the date range for all vehicles then divides the miles into the gallons to get MPG. The 5 vehicles with the highest MPG are listed in descending order. If two vehicles have the same MPG the first record found is displayed first.
Total repair cost: This totals WOs postings for inside, outside & warranty credits plus all Part, Tire, Oil, Hydraulic, ATF, Anti-freeze, & Gear oil postings from fuel entry.
Average repair cost per vehicle: This is the 'Total repair cost' divided by the number of vehicles in the 'Total Vehicles' line above.
Total fuel cost: This is the total of the fuel postings by date.
Average fuel cost per vehicle: This is the Total Fuel Cost divided by the number of vehicles in the 'Total Vehicles' line above.
Total cost: This is the sum of the fields from the 'Total repair cost' & 'Total fuel cost' plus the Deprecation and License cost from the vehicle audit file for the date range.
Average cost per vehicle: This is the 'Total cost' divided by the number of vehicles in the 'Total Vehicles' line above.
Total miles driven: This number is calculated from the vehicle audit file. We must have a high and a low transaction for miles to be calculated, so 2 or more transactions.
Total vehicles with no miles driven: This number is taken from the vehicle audit file. If the vehicle shows no miles with in the date range then it is counted.
Total cost per mile: This is the 'Total cost' line divided by the 'Total miles driven' line.
Total PMs due today: Vehicles with a PM that is due on the date of the running of the report, today.
Total PMs past due: Vehicles that have a past due PM on the day the report is run.
Total vehicles status available: This is a count of all vehicles that have a System Status assigned that is Available. (Every Vehicle Status Code has a System Status of either Available or Not Available.)
Total vehicles status down: This is a count of all vehicles that have a System Status assigned that is Not Available. (Every Vehicle Status Code has a System Status of either Available or Not Available.)
Total bumper-to-bumper warranty due in 30 day/3000 mi: This is a count of Vehicles that have Bumper to Bumper Warranties that are either within 30 days or 3000 miles of those Warranty's expiration.

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