Inspection Screen (VII)

Inspection Screen (VII)

  1. Mechanic label changed to employee
  2. Add new Inspection from inspection list toolbar (after vehicle selection – not f2 from veh list)
  3. New inspections uses existing inspection templates or can create new ones
  4. Selecting Defect:
    1. Auto activates defect notes
    2. Activates "operable/inoperable" feature – only available if defect is selected, can only be inoperable if defective
    3. ** Enhancement - if no open jobs , flags jobs as new WO otherwise Auto activates defect repair type/match selection to select new job or an existing WO /deferred job
    4. Repair field added to defect grid – displays new WO num /defered job or closed
  5. Prompt to close inspection if all items have been completed
    ** if review switch set to no - and don't-use-sfc enhancement - will auto activate review process on close of inspection . if using the sfc enhancement will process repair job slections (see below)

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