Review Process (VIR)
Review Process (VIR)
Requires all items to be selected before processing defects.
- Close options - no repair job
- Process option – auto activates a job list - can select existing wo or deferred job , new job , or new derred job
- Selections will not be set/processed until the process/apply is selected.
- Inspection item notes and defefct notes will be transferred to wo line - if new wo job
- If defect is flagged as inoperable – "operable note will be added to wo line
- Prompt values will NOT be transferred
- Once job is processed will be able to view the job from the inspection - but no link to the work order notes: if wo is deferred , the insp defect repair will be updated with the deferred job info, if deferred job is added to a work order , the insp defect repair will be updated with the wo job info . Also – if the deferred job is changed (only an issue if vmrs is changed) - the insp defect repair will be updated. The status of a insp defect repair (when wo) will only be updated when closed (not partials)