Fuel Tanks
Fuel Tanks
Add tank records as needed for your fuel tanks. Tanks on a flotation type system that are actually connected and should be considered as one tank with a combined capacity. If you have tanker trucks that drive around fueling vehicles in the yard, add tank records for them as well.
Adding a Tank
- To add a tank record, do the following:
- Select Master > Fuel > Tank Maintenance from the RTA main menu (MUM).
- Enter a tank number and fuel type and then choose Add tank. The tank number is a numeric field allowing up to four digits.
- Add the tank information.
- Save the record.
Tank Record Field Descriptions
- Tank Number: (Numeric field) Enter up to four digits for the tank number. The system allows tanks containing different fuel types to use the same tank number.
- Tank Fuel Type: Specify the type of fuel contained in this tank.
- Tank Capacity: Enter the maximum fuel quantity this tank can store.
- Beginning Inventory: Enter the tank inventory at the beginning of the current period.
- Tank Deliveries: Enter the fuel quantity received this period. This field is updated when fuel deliveries are received (FPT).
- Tank Usages: Enter the current period fuel usage. This field is updated when fuel tickets are posted (FFP).
- Average Price: Enter the average price per gallon of fuel (99.99999). This field is updated when fuel deliveries are received (FPT).
- Variance Percent and Quantity: Enter the allowable variance percentage and quantity. When there is a fuel variance, these figures are used to determine whether or not the variance is in compliance.
- Variance Quantity: Enter the allowable variance quantity.
- Part Number: Enter the number for the part record associated with this tank or press F1 to select a part from the lookup list. You'll have the option of adding the part to inventory if the number entered isn't found. When the specified part number is ordered and received on purchase orders (PPC), fuel drop transactions get written and this tank record gets updated with the quantity purchased.
- Tank Reorder Point and Quantity: Enter the tank reorder point and reorder quantity. If a part number was entered, a requisition will be created automatically when the tank inventory falls below the reorder point (as long as it's not already on requisition or on order). If the Part number field was left blank, the data entered here serves as notational purposes only.
NOTE: The following fields display information that cannot be added or modified.
- Com puted Inventory: This field is automatically computed as follows:Beginning Inventory + Tank Deliveries – Tank Usages
- Computed Value: This field is automatically computed as follows:Computed Inventory x Average Price
- Stick Reading: This field displays the last stick reading (FPS).
- Stick Read Value: This field is automatically computed as follows:Stick Reading x Average Price
- Fuel on Order: This field indicates the fuel quantity currently on order through purchase orders (PPC).
- Fuel on Requisition: This field indicates the fuel quantity currently on requisition (PPE)
Changing a Tank
- To change a tank record, do the following:
- Select Master > Fuel > Tank Maintenance from the RTA main menu (MUM).
- Enter a tank number and fuel type or press F1 to select a tank from the lookup list.
- Make the changes as needed.
- Save the record.
Deleting a Tank
- To delete a tank record, do the following:
- Select Master > Fuel > Tank Maintenance from the RTA main menu (MUM).
- Enter a tank number and fuel type or press F1 to select a tank from the lookup list.
- Select Utilities > Delete tank from the menu or click on the Delete tank icon in the toolbar.
- Choose Yes to confirm the deletion.
, multiple selections available,
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