Fuel Pumps
Fuel Pumps
Adding a Pump
To add a pump record, do the following:
- Select Master > Fuel > Pump Maintenance from the RTA main menu (MUP).
- Enter a pump number and choose Add. The pump number is a text field allowing up to four characters.
- Add the pump information.
- Save the record.
Pump Record Field Descriptions
- Pump Number: (Text field) Enter up to four characters for the pump number. If you're using EFI, make sure the pump number matches the pump number from the fueling system.
- Pump Fuel Type and Tank: Specify the type of fuel pumped through this pump and the tank to which this pump is attached or press F2 to make a selection from the tank lookup list.
- Gallons Posted: Leave this field blank when initially setting up a pump. This field is updated each time fuel is processed (FFP).
- Gallons Posted to Period: Enter the fuel quantity pumped in the current period.
- Previous Reading: Enter the current meter reading when initially setting up a pump. This field is updated each time a pump meter reading is entered (FPM).
- Current Reading: Enter the current meter reading. This field is updated each time a pump meter reading is entered (FPM).
- Period Beginning Reading: Enter the meter reading at the beginning of the current period.
Changing a Pump
All pending fuel transactions must be processed before changes can be made to pumps (FFP); refer to "Processing Fuel Transactions" for instructions if necessary. Pump meter reading changes should be made through Pump Meter Readings (FPM) rather than through this option whenever possible. To change a pump record, do the following:
- Select Master > Fuel > Pump Maintenance from the RTA main menu (MUP).
- Enter a pump number or press F1 to select a pump from the lookup list.
- Make the changes as needed.
- Save the record.
Deleting a Pump
All pending fuel transactions must be processed before pumps can be deleted from the system (FFP); refer to "Processing Fuel Transactions" for instructions if necessary. To delete a pump record, do the following:
- Select Master > Fuel > Pump Maintenance from the RTA main menu (MUP).
- Enter a pump number or press F1 to select a pump from the lookup list.
- Select Utilities > Delete pump from the menu or click on the Delete pump icon in the toolbar.
- Choose Yes to confirm the deletion.
, multiple selections available,
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