Tire Utility Programs

Tire Utility Programs

Utility programs are designed to process or speed up tasks that aren't part of the normal daily, weekly, or monthly routine. Two tire utility programs are available for use.
It's best to run these programs when no other users are in the RTA system. If this is not possible, have users temporarily discontinue processes that access the tire file such as posting tires to work orders, mounting or dismounting tires, and so on. Users can continue adding work orders, using Paperless Shop, uploading EFI transactions, etc. as long as it doesn't involve tires. Depending on the utility program, if a record lock occurs during the process, the procedure may lock up until the record becomes available, skip the record in use, or fail altogether.

Rebuild Tire Vehicle Number

This program processes all the tires on file, validating and updating the vehicle numbers as necessary. A report is provided for your reference when the process is complete.

  1. Select System > Utilities > Tires > Rebuild Tire Vehicle # from the RTA main menu (STTV).
  2. Read the message displayed and choose Yes to start the process.

Delete Tires

Normally tire records are deleted from the system when tires are scrapped. This program allows you to bypass that step, immediately deleting tires from the system. This also provides a way to delete tire templates from the system.

  1. Select System > Utilities > Tires > Find and Delete Invalid Tire from the RTA main menu (STTF).
  2. Read the message displayed and then select a radio button indicating your preference for deleting tires.
    • Search for Tire: This option brings up a lookup list from which you can select an individual tire to delete.
    • Tire Range: This option allows you to delete a range of tires (password level 1 is required).

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