Renumber a Vendor
Renumber a Vendor
This utility program allows a vendor to be renumbered. You'll have the option of updating various data records with the new vendor number or leaving the data records with the original vendor number.
Running the Utility
- Select System > Custom Utilities > Vendor > Renumber from the RTA main menu (SCER).
- Read the message displayed and then choose Yes to continue.
- Enter a facility number or press F1 to select a facility from the lookup list.
- Enter the old vendor number or press F1 to select a vendor from the lookup list.
- Enter the new vendor number. If the vendor number already exists, you will be notified and given the option to continue. If you choose to continue, the existing vendor record will be overwritten with the vendor record that is being renumbered. To eliminate potential problems or confusion, we recommend using a vendor number that is not currently in use.
- Select the checkboxes for the data records you wish to update with the new vendor number. RTA recommends selecting either all of the checkboxes or none of the checkboxes to ensure consistency across the data records.
- Choose OK to continue.
- Choose Yes to confirm and start the process.
, multiple selections available,
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