Employee Toolbox

Employee Toolbox

The employee toolbox tracking feature may be used to itemize and inventory the contents of the employee's toolbox. This is generally done for insurance purposes when the employee's personal tools and toolbox are covered by the shop's insurance carrier. The contents of the toolbox can be 'validated' by a supervisor, certifying that the contents of the toolbox was accurate as shown on specific dates.

Adding a Toolbox

To add a toolbox and it's contents, do the following:

  1. Select Master > Employee > Toolbox from the RTA main menu (MMT).

  2. Enter password level 1.

  3. Enter a toolbox number and press the ADD button.

  4. Choose whether to use a pre-existing toolbox as a template for the new one.

  5. Enter a toolbox description and identify the employee and supervisor.

  6. Click the Save button on the toolbar.

  7. Input information about each individual tool in the details section of the screen.

  8. Save the record.

Changing a Toolbox

To change a toolbox record, do the following:

  1. Select Master > Employee > Toolbox from the RTA main menu (MMT).

  2. Enter password level 1.

  3. Enter a toolbox number or press F1 to select a toolbox from the lookup list.

  4. Make the changes as needed. Individual tools can be edited in the details section or deleted by using the checkbox next to the tool and pressing the Tool Delete button on the toolbar.

  5. Save the record.

Validating a Toolbox

Validating a toolbox proves that on a specific date the contents of the toolbox was inventoried by a supervisor. This is generally done for insurance purposes and is suggested to be done each year. Each toolbox has a validation due date that may be changed from the one year default if desired. To validate a toolbox's contents, do the following:

  1. Select Master > Employee > Toolbox from the RTA main menu (MMT).

  2. Enter password level 1.

  3. Enter a toolbox number or press F1 to select a toolbox from the lookup list.

  4. Inventory the toolbox contents to determine that the contents matches the item list on the screen. Make any changes as needed.

  5. Click the Validate button on the toolbar. The 'last validated' field will be updated with today's date and cannot be manually changed.

  6. Save the record.

The Validate option is only available for 14 days +- from the Validation Due date

Deleting a Toolbox

To delete a toolbox, do the following:

  1. Select Master > Employee > Toolbox from the RTA main menu (MMT).

  2. Enter password level 1.

  3. Enter a toolbox number or press F1 to select a toolbox from the lookup list.

  4. Select Utilities > Delete Toolbox from the menu or click on the Delete Toolbox icon in the toolbar.

  5. Choose Yes to confirm the deletion.

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