End of Period for Mechanics
End of Period for Mechanics
The following things occur when the EOP for mechanics is processed.
Mechanic: End of Week
- Current week productivity data is added to the current month productivity data.
- Current week indirect labor hours are added to the current month hours.
- Current week data is zeroed out.
Mechanic: End of Month
- Current month productivity data replaces the data stored for the previous month.
- Current month indirect labor hours are added to the current month hours.
- Current month data is zeroed out.
NOTE: The end of month process does not process any of the weekly data. Be sure to run end of week prior to running end of month if you want to include data for the current week in with the current month data.
To process end of period for mechanics, do the following:
- Select System > End of Period/Month > End of Week Mechanic OR System > End of Period/Month > End of Month Mechanic from the RTA main menu or (SEW, SEM).
- Enter password level 1.
- Read the message displayed and choose Yes to start the process.
, multiple selections available,
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