End of Period for Fuel Tax Reports

End of Period for Fuel Tax Reports

The following things occur when the EOP for fuel tax reports is processed.

  • Current month state mileage figures, fuel costs, and usage are added to quarter and year totals.
  • Current month data is zeroed out.

Fuel Tax Reports: End of Month

To process end of month for fuel tax reports, do the following:

  1. Select System > End of Period/Month > End of Month Fuel Tax from the RTA main menu or (SEF).
  2. Enter password level 2.
  3. At the new quarter prompt, select the No radio button (active by default).
  4. At the new year prompt, select the No radio button (active by default) and then choose OK to start the process.

Fuel Tax Reports: End of Quarter

The end of quarter process for fuel tax reports performs the same functions as the standard end of month process except that the quarter-to-date data is cleared out in addition to the current period. To process end of quarter, follow the steps described in the previous section. At step 3, choose Yes to indicate that end of quarter should be processed.

Fuel Tax Reports: End of Year

The end of year process for fuel tax performs the same functions as the standard end of month process except that the year-to-date data is cleared out in addition to the current period. To process end of year, follow the steps described in the previous section. At step 4, choose Yes to indicate that end of year should be processed.

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