Downloading Data (VWT)

Downloading Data (VWT)

Connect the Tricoder to the computer, either with the Y-Cable or the USB cable.
In RTA, select Vehicles > Vehicle Wash > Tricoder Wash Upload from the main menu. When you are prompted for the Vehicle number, go to the Tricoder and turn it on.
In the Tricoder screen, you will be prompted for "Data Collection" (if not, press the <F1> key on the Tricoder), press the <NO> key. When prompted for "Data Upload", press the <Enter/Yes> key on the Tricoder.
This will immediately start the uploading process.
When the download is complete, the cursor on the computer will be at the Vehicle prompt, press the <Enter> key on the computer.
**NOTE: You may not want to delete the data on the Tricoder until the data is successfully processed.
Caution: Downloading the same data twice will cause double postings of the washes!

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