Vehicle Odometer Audit

Vehicle Odometer Audit

Summary/Use Case

Report Summary

The Vehicle Odometer Audit Report provides a detailed log of odometer readings for vehicles over a specified period. This report is valuable for fleet managers to track vehicle usage, detect inconsistencies in odometer readings, and ensure accurate mileage records for maintenance and billing purposes.

Use Case

  • Monitor vehicle mileage trends for preventive maintenance scheduling

  • Identify potential odometer discrepancies or fraudulent meter rollbacks

  • Ensure compliance with fleet management policies by verifying accurate transaction records

  • Analyze vehicle utilization patterns to optimize fleet efficiency

  • Support reporting for cost allocation and fuel efficiency analysis

Location: Where to Find It

Reports > RTA Standard Reports > Vehicle > Vehicle Odometer Audit


Data Filter Prompts

You will be prompted for filtering of the Data to specify and narrow down the data that will be pulled. See Data Filter List Below for Options.

Parameter List


Parameter Name

Value (Default)

Value (Notes)

Parameter Name

Value (Default)

Value (Notes)

Please select Customer, Department, or Class for grouping (None to skip grouping)


This parameter gives the user the ability to choose the next sub-grouping after facility. Each respective group will have a total. ‘None' will skip the grouping altogether and give a list sorted by vehicle; use this if you wish to export to Excel.

Show totals only?


This will hide the individual meter transactions and give the vehicle and user defined group totals for the report.

Data Filter List


Filter Name

Recommended Filter Condition(s)

Value (Options)

Value (Default)

Value (Notes)

Filter Name

Recommended Filter Condition(s)

Value (Options)

Value (Default)

Value (Notes)


Is Between

1 - 99999

1 - 99999

Represents all facilities

Customer Number

Is Between

Any Customer Number Range

blank - “zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz”

Filters by customer number range

Department Number

Is Between

Any Department Number Range

blank - “zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz”

Filters by department number range

Transaction Date

Is Between

Any Date Range

First and Last Date of Previous Year

Represents previous full calendar year

Meter Type

Is One Of

M, H, K, G, U, N

M, H, K, G, U, N

M = Miles

H = Hours

K = Kilometers

G = Gallons

U = Units

N = None

Report Output and Data Elements

Report Output

The Vehicle Odometer Audit Report displays a detailed log of odometer transactions for each vehicle, including previous and current readings, meter type, and calculated differences. The report highlights potential discrepancies and provides a total sum of recorded differences at the bottom.

*If Customer / Department / Class grouping IS included and Totals Only IS NOT selected


*If Customer / Department / Class grouping IS included and Totals Only IS selected


*If Customer / Department / Class grouping IS NOT included and Totals Only IS selected


Report Data Elements

Column Number

Column Title

Data Notes

Column Number

Column Title

Data Notes



Unique identifier for the vehicle



Associated customer number



Associated department number



Vehicle classification category


Meter Type

Measurement unit (e.g., miles, kilometers)


Transaction Date

Date of odometer entry


Previous Meter

Previous recorded odometer reading


Transaction Meter

Current recorded odometer reading



Difference between previous and transaction meter readings

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