Vehicle File Maintenance

Vehicle File Maintenance

It is necessary to use the vehicle records from the RTA Fleet Management Software in order to use Motor Pool. Refer to "Adding a Vehicle" for instructions on how to add RTA vehicle records. Once vehicle records have been set up in RTA, they can then be set up as Motor Pool units.

Adding a Motor Pool Unit

Adding units for use in Motor Pool requires very little data entry because most of the information comes directly from the vehicle record in RTA. To add a Motor Pool unit, select the Unit File Maintenance menu option (VTU) and then enter password level 1.
The entry fields are as follows:

  • Unit Number

Enter the unit number or press F2 to select a vehicle from the lookup list. Next click the add button. Pressing the F1 key can access a lookup list for any existing Motor Pool units.

  • Vehicle Type

The vehicle type is automatically brought forward from the Class field in the RTA vehicle record. If that class is not set up as a type code in Motor Pool, you will be asked if you wish to add this class type.
To change the vehicle type, press the no button and the Motor Pool master screen comes up. To add the class code as a type code in Motor Pool, press the yes button and the Type code window will be displayed; add the new type (refer to "Type Code Maintenance"). Once a valid type code is entered, the Motor Pool, Vehicle master screen comes up.

  • Rate Code

Enter the rate code to charge when this unit is rented or press f1 to select a rate from the lookup list. As you may recall, the rate code has two parts—the four-character unit rate code and the one-character customer rate. Only the four-character rate code needs to be entered here. The customer rate is determined when a reservation is made.
All other vehicle information (Department, Year, Make, Model, Serial and Registration numbers, License Plate, Odometer reading, Location, and Size) is automatically brought forward from the RTA vehicle record. The unit's status will default to Available when adding a new Motor Pool unit.
Verify the entries made, then click the save icon or the exit icon then yes to save the file. Pressing the esc key will exit the unit record without saving any of the changes.

Changing a Motor Pool Unit

To change a motor pool unit:

  • Select the Unit File Maintenance menu option (VTC).
  • Enter password level 1.
  • Enter the unit number or press f1 to select a unit from the lookup list.
  • Use the mouse or the Up arrow, and down arrow keys to move from field to field and make the desired changes.
  • When all changes have been made, click the save icon or the exit icon then yes to save the file. Pressing the esc key will exit the unit record without saving any of the changes.

Changing the Status of a Motor Pool Unit

A Motor Pool unit may have one of five statuses: Available, Reserved, Checked Out, Pass Reserve Time, or Out of service. When a Motor Pool unit is added, the status is Available; as reservations are made and the vehicle is used in Motor Pool the appropriate status is displayed. A Motor Pool unit may also be flagged as Out of service. Because the vehicle status can be changed manually the VALIDATE STATUS button is available. This button is used to reset the status of the vehicle to the status assigned from the last Motor Pool transaction.
To change the status of a motor pool unit:

  • Select the Unit File Maintenance menu option (VTC).
  • Enter password level 1.
  • Enter the unit number or press f1 to select a unit from the lookup list.
  • Move to the Status field with the arrow keys or the mouse. Choose the desired status from the pull-down list.
  • After the change is made, click the save icon or the exit icon then yes to save the file. Pressing the esc key will exit the unit record without saving the change.

Deleting A Motor Pool Unit

To delete a motor pool unit:

  • Select the Unit File Maintenance menu option (VTC).
  • Enter password level 1.
  • Enter the unit number or press f1 to select a unit from the lookup list.
  • Click the Delete icon or from the pull-down menu choose Utilities, Delete Vehicle
  • One of the following messages will be displayed depending on whether or not there are open transactions using this unit.
  • Choose the appropriate option to perform the desired action.

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