Billing Report

Billing Report

The Billing Report can be used to print total rental costs and/or invoices. This report can be sorted by customer or by vehicle. Use this report to get figures to input into an accounting/billing program, or send a copy of the report directly to the customer. All pertinent rental informationcustomer number, reservation number, check out and check in dates, vehicle number, rate code, travel area, check out and check in odometers, rental mileage, and invoice total-is detailed on the report for the customer to review. To run the report, select the Billing Report menu option (RMB).

  • Select the customer or vehicle radio button to specify the sort order.
  • Enter the starting customer or vehicle, or press F1 to select a customer or vehicle from the lookup list.
  • Enter the ending customer or vehicle, or press F1 to select a customer or vehicle from the lookup list.
  • Enter the starting date or press F1 to select a date from the calendar.
  • Enter the ending date or press F1 to select a date from the calendar.
  • Select the ALL, OPEN, or CLOSED radio button to specify the transaction type to include on the report.
  • Select the YES or NO radio button to specify whether to start printing information for the next customer on a new page.
  • Select the Detail or Summary radio button to specify the report type to print. The Summary format will print rental information along with invoice totals. The Detail format will print rental information, invoice totals, and itemization for the invoice totals.
  • Select the YES or NO radio button to specify whether to print invoices. If the YES radio button to select, invoices will be printed at the end of the Billing Report, one invoice per page.
  • Select the STARTING or ENDING radio button to specify whether the starting or ending date range will reference the check out date (starting) or the check in date (ending).

The report columns are as follows:
Customer number- Number of the customer who rented the vehicle
Reservation number- Number of the reservation
Date checked out- Vehicle check out date
Date checked in- Vehicle check in date
Vehicle number- Number of the vehicle rented
Rate code- Rate charged for the vehicle rented
Travel area- Area where the vehicle traveled: local or long distance
Odometer checked out- Meter reading at time of check out
Odometer checked in- Meter reading at time of check in
Rental mileage- Number of miles traveled
Invoice total- Total rental cost for the vehicle
The following items appear only on the Detailed report:
Description- Description of item charged
Quantity- Quantity of item charged
Rate per- Rate charged and rate basis (day, week, rental, etc.)
Extended cost- Quantity times rate

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