

A facility in the RTA system is treated as a separate company or shop. Data is stored separately for each facility, and, in most cases costs cannot be combined. For example, if your company has multiple shops located in various cities and you want to individually track each location, you'd need to set up facility records for each shop. This would allow each facility to track its own vehicles, parts, tires, etc. separately as if each location had purchased its own copy of the RTA system. Various reports could be generated for each facility providing cost, productivity, inventory, and other vital information.
When using multiple facilities, you'll have the ability to share vehicles, parts, and various data from other facilities. For example, suppose your company has two locations and a facility has been set up for each location. A vehicle that belongs to facility 00001 travels out of the vicinity and needs to have repair work done at facility 00002. Facility 00002 will be able to access the vehicle, history, and other needed information from facility 00001 in order to complete the repairs. All the costs and records would be updated in the appropriate facilities. Vehicle costs and history would be updated in the vehicle's facility (00001); work order, part inventory, and mechanic records would be updated in the facility where the work occurred (00002). To use multiple facilities, set the "Use Multiple Facility" switch in Main System Parameters (SSM, switch 26) to YES.
You can restrict facility access by using the System Security feature (SUM). Once implemented, users can be set up with rights allowing access to one facility, a group of facilities in their region(s), or all facilities.

Adding a Facility

To add a facility record, do the following:

  1. Select Master > Facility > File Maintenance from the RTA main menu (MFM).
  2. Enter a facility number and choose Add. The facility number is a numeric field allowing up to five digits.
  3. Enter the facility information.
  4. Save the record.

Facility Record Field Descriptions: Main Window

  • Facility Number: (Numeric field) Enter up to five digits for the facility number.
  • Abbreviation: Enter a facility abbreviation.
  • Status: This field displays the facility status: Active or Inactive. No entry can be made to this field. When initially adding a facility, the status defaults to ACTIVE. Facilities cannot be deleted from the system, but they can be changed to an INACTIVE status if no longer needed.
  • Cross Reference: This field displays the cross-reference number for this facility. RTA uses this field internally; no entry can be made.
  • Home State: This is the state where the facility is located. This information is used as a default state if a state code is not indicated when fuel transactions are entered or uploaded into this facility.
  • Report Header: This is the header that prints on work orders, purchase orders, and various reports.

Facility Record Field Descriptions: General Tab

  • Facility Defaults: Enter the default facility number where the customer, vendor, tire manufacturer, and tire capper records are located that this facility will be using. In most instances, the records will come from the same facility being added. However, there may be times when a satellite facility has the same customer or vendor base as another facility. Specifying the other facility here eliminates having to add duplicate records in multiple facilities. The facility number entered here is used as a default and can be overridden at any time.

NOTE: Once the facility record has been saved, if you wish to change the vendor default facility, select Utilities > Chg-Vendor from the menu or click on the Change Facility icon next to the Default Vendor field. Follow the on-screen prompts to run a renumber utility program. The system will then update part cross-references, requisitions, and open purchase orders with the new default facility.

  • WO Defaults: Default vendor number, reason code, priority code, and shop ID can be specified here. These values will be used as the defaults when new work orders are created but can be changed as needed on a per work order basis.
  • Overhead Percentages: Overhead charges can be added to all work orders to help cover the cost of unbilled shop expenses such as shop cleanup, and rags. If you wish to apply overhead by facility rather than by customer, set the "Overhead Fac/Cust flag" switch to FACILITY (SSM, switch 34) and then enter the markup percentages to apply to part, labor, tire, and miscellaneous costs posted on work orders. You are not required to enter markups in all the fields. Refer to "Applying Overhead or Shop Costs" for more information.
  • Import/Export: Select the Import/Export checkbox if you are using the Import/Export add-on option. Contact our sales department for more information about this option.
  • Tax Rate: If a tax rate is entered here, it can be used to override the vendor's specified tax rate in purchase orders. Normally, the taxable items on a purchase order will use the vendor's specified tax rate, since sales tax will vary by city. When entering items on a purchase order, you may alter the tax rate used to the one specified here, on a per-item basis if desired.

Facility Record Field Descriptions: Address Tab

  • Billing Information: Enter the facility name, address, phone number, and main contact person. This information is printed on work orders and purchase orders.
  • Shipping Information: Enter the shipping address and information or choose Copy to use the billing information. This is printed on purchase orders.

Facility Record: Period Costs Tab
The Period Costs tab contains costs accrued in this facility. This information is not required when adding a new facility. Period costs are automatically updated as work order costs are posted.

Changing a Facility

To change a facility record, do the following:

  1. Select Master > Facility > File Maintenance from the RTA main menu (MFM).
  2. Enter a facility number or press F1 to select a facility from the lookup list.
  3. Make the changes as needed.
  4. Save the record.

Renumbering a Facility

In order to renumber a facility, the status must be ACTIVE. To renumber a facility record, do the following:

  1. Select Master > Facility > File Maintenance from the RTA main menu (MFM).
  2. Enter a facility number or press F1 to select a facility from the lookup list.
  3. Select Utilities > Renumber from the menu or click on the Renumber Facility icon in the toolbar.
  4. Enter password level 3.
  5. Enter the new facility number.

Changing a Facility Status

Facility records cannot be deleted from the system. If a shop or location is closed, the facility status can be changed from ACTIVE to INACTIVE. Doing so causes the facility record and data (work orders, parts, fuel transactions, etc.) to be inaccessible. In the event the data is later needed, the facility status can be changed back to an ACTIVE status. To activate or deactivate a facility record, do the following:

  1. Select Master > Facility > File Maintenance from the RTA main menu (MFM).
  2. Enter a facility number or press F1 to select a facility from the lookup list.
  3. To deactivate, select Utilities > De-Activate from the menu or click on the De-Activate Facility icon in the toolbar. OR

To reactivate, select Utilities > Re-Activate from the menu or click on the Re-Activate Facility icon in the toolbar.

  1. Enter password level 3.
  2. Choose Yes to confirm the activation.

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