Equipment Service Reminders

Equipment Service Reminders

Summary/Use Case

Report Summary

The purpose of this report is to provide customers with a report that tracks the service due dates for equipment, as well as the VMRS code/description of the service due. The customer is given the option to only include overdue services prior to running the report, but in any case, overdue lines are highlighted in red. There is also a facility and report summary that gives customers the count of overdue services, average days overdue, total equipment listed, and mounted equipment.

Use Case

  • Send to customers for service scheduling

  • Use in conjunction with PM Due 30 Days report to align services with vehicles that the equipment are mounted to

Location: Where to Find it

Reports > RTA Standard Reports > Equipment > Equipment Service Reminders


Data Parameter / Filter Prompts

You will first be prompted on if you want to only include overdue services.


Data Parameter List

Parameter Name

Value (Options)

Value (Defaults)

Value (Notes)

Parameter Name

Value (Options)

Value (Defaults)

Value (Notes)

Only Include Overdue Services?




The ‘False’ option will cause the report to give all services, whether they are overdue or not

The ‘True’ option will cause the report to only include equipment that have services that are overdue

Next, you will be prompted for filtering of the Data to specify and narrow down the data that will be pulled. See Data Filter List Below for Options.


Data Filter List

Filter Name

Recommended Filter Condition(s)

Value (Options)

Value (Defaults)

Filter Name

Recommended Filter Condition(s)

Value (Options)

Value (Defaults)


Is Between

1 - 99999

1 - 99999

Equipment Number

Is Between

1 - zzzzzzzzzz

1 - zzzzzzzzzz

Report Output and Data Elements

When the report runs, you will see the report is grouped/sorted by Facility > Equipment Number. The primary function of this report is to provide the data related to the equipment services and their respective intervals.

Report Output:


Report Data Elements List

Column Number

Column Title

Data Notes

Column Number

Column Title

Data Notes


Equipment #

This is the assigned equipment number


Assignee Name

This is the name of the individual assigned to this equipment


Monted to Vehicle

This is the vehicle that the equipment is mounted to, if mounted



This is the 9-digit VMRS code of the service



This is the description of the VMRS code


Service Interval (In Days)

This is the interval (in days) assigned to service


Last Service Date

This is the date that the service was last done


Next Service Date

This is a calculation of (Service Interval) + (Last Service Date)


Days Until Due

This is the number of days that the service is overdue or until due

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