Cost Breakdown by Facility and Department

Cost Breakdown by Facility and Department

Summary/Use Case

Report Summary

This report provides a list of all the amounts of all of the costs that could be associated with a motor pool reservation. The report filters bring in vehicles that have filled in return date, meaning the vehicle reservation is completed and costs should be finalized, as well as pull in reservations that have been cancelled and have a cancellation fee.

Use Case

  • Calculate the motor pool costs/fees (by individual costs or total) per facility and/or department over a range of dates

  • Identify deleted transactions and if there were any costs associated with them

  • Use alongside billing for motor pool costs

Location: Where to Find it

Reports > RTA Standard Reports > Motor Pool > Cost Breakdown by Facility and Department


Data Filter Prompts

You will be prompted for filtering of the Data to specify and narrow down the data that will be pulled. See Data Filter List Below for Options

Data Filter List

Screenshot 2024-07-31 095255-20240731-135259.png

Filter Name

Recommended Filter Condition(s)

Value (Options)

Value (Defaults)

Filter Name

Recommended Filter Condition(s)

Value (Options)

Value (Defaults)


Is Between

1 - 99999

1 - 99999

Return Date

Is Between

Any Date Range

1/1/2020 12:00 am through 6/30/2024 11:59pm

Please be sure that the start time is 12:00am and the end time is 11:59pm if you want full 24 hour periods

Include 0=Not Deleted Reservations and 1=Deleted Reservations

Is One Of

0 and/or 1

0 and 1

Report Output and Data Elements

When the report runs, you will see the report is grouped/sorted by Facility > Department > Vehicle > Reservation Number. The costs of individual reservations are given, as well as totals on the department and facility levels. Vehicle reservations that return a blank in the ‘Return Date’ field are cancellations and may have incurred a cancellation fee, if your organization charges for that.

Report Output:

Report Data Elements List

Column Number

Column Title

Data Notes

Column Number

Column Title

Data Notes



This is the vehicle that is being used as a rental within the motor pool


Res #

This is the reservation number assigned by the system when the reservation was created


Deleted Reservation

This field returns ‘Yes’ if it has been deleted and ‘No’ if it has not


Rate Description

This is the base charge rate that was assigned when the reservation was created


Return Date

This is the Date and Time the vehicle was returned, thus completing the transaction; may show blank if the reservation was cancelled



This was the optional mileage cost that was input within the reservation



This was the optional fuel cost that was input within the reservation



This was the optional cleaning fee that was input within the reservation


Reservation Class Rate

This was the base reservation rate that was assigned at the creation of the reservation



This was the optional late fee that was input within the reservation



This was the optional cancellation fee that was given if your organization uses this option



Total of all of the costs and fees on that row

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