Vehicle Status (VA)

Vehicle Status (VA)

The vehicle availability screen allows users to view, in real-time, the current status of each vehicle in the fleet.

Vehicle Status Configuration

  1. A new user login named STATUS must be created in the User Maintenance screen (SUM).
  2. The Vehicle Availability screen uses information from this specific user account in order to launch.

Displaying vehicles

  1. Select Vehicles > Status from the RTA main menu (VA).
  2. Select a unit number range, department, customer, or classification to determine which group of vehicles is to be displayed.
  3. The vehicles displayed can then be furter filtered by their currect status using the drop-down list box to choose a specific status or to display "all available" or "all not available".

Updating the status

Select a vehicle and click the Details icon on the toolbar. A list of current repair jobs will be shown to assist in determining the best overall status of the vehicle. The status can be changed by selecting a different status on this screen and clicking the Apply button on the toolbar.

Display Options

  1. Select Options > Change Font from the menu.
  2. Choose a font type and size as desired.Large fonts can be used for large display screens that you may leave running all the time to show current vehicle status on the shop wall.
  3. Select Options > Auto Reload from the menu. Intervals can be selected from 5 minutes to 60 minutes, or can be disabled. This will poll data and update the status display with the most current information available.
  4. Select Options > Auto Scroll from the menu. Intervals can be selected from 3 seconds to 1 minute, or can be disabled. This is only applicable when displaying the list using View > Standard List.

Columns displayed can be resized or hidden from view to further customize the look of the screen. The display settings will be remembered when you exit the screen and will be used the next time you access the screen.

Sharing the vehicle status list

Clicking the appropriate buttons on the toolbar allow the status list to be printed or exported to a text file that can be shared with people that don't have access to the RTA software.

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