Vehicle Fixed Costs

Vehicle Fixed Costs

If you wish to account for vehicle fixed costs (licensing, insurance, and depreciation) incurred before you started using the RTA system, you may enter it using the Audit File Adjustments option.

  1. Select System > Utilities > Vehicles > Audit File Adjustments from the RTA main menu (STVA).
  2. Select the cost type from the drop down list: license, insurance, or depreciation.
  3. Select a radio button to specify in which period(s) to post the cost. Select Year to post the cost to the vehicle's year and life costs. Select Life to post the cost to the vehicle's life costs.
  4. Accept the current meter reading displayed or enter the meter reading associated with this transaction.
  5. Accept the default date displayed or enter the date associated with this transaction.
  6. Enter the cost amount to post.
  7. Enter up to 12 characters to describe the transaction for audit purposes and choose Post to complete the transaction.

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