Tracking Utilization

Tracking Utilization

Tracking vehicle utilization helps to determine the usage of the vehicles in your fleet. The utilization percentage is calculated by dividing the total days used by the number of days in the current period (e.g., 27 days used / 30 days this period = 90% vehicle utilization). Utilization is reported on the vehicle total cost reports. If the utilization is too low, perhaps some vehicles can be sold, potentially saving money spent on fixed costs. Or, perhaps utilization is low as a result of too many breakdowns, which is costly to your fleet because the vehicle is unavailable and higher repair costs are incurred.
The Setup:

  • Set the "Update Days Utilized" switch to YES (SSM, Fuel Parameters tab , switch 8).
  • If you're using EFI, select the Track vehicle use checkbox located in the EFI Process Settings tab of the EFI load module (FFEM).
  • Enter the number of days available in the "Days This Period" switch (SSM, switch 5). OR

Run End of Period Vehicles (SEV).
The Procedure:

  • Update the number of days used through the Fuel Inventory module.
  • Print vehicle cost reports and review utilization statistics.
  • Process end of period to reset vehicle utilization counts and total number of days in the new period.

Setting the Required Switches

Update Days Utilized

Setting the "Update Days Utilized" switch enables a field in the Many States and Quick Fuel Entry options that allows you to indicate how many days vehicles were in use between fuel-ups (FFM, FFQ).

  1. Select System > Setup System Switches > Fueling Parameters from the RTA main menu (SSM, Fuel Parameters tab ).
  2. Enter password level 3.
  3. Review the setting for switch 8; set to YES if not already done so.

If you're using EFI load fuel transactions from a third-party fueling system into RTA, activate the Track vehicle use checkbox located in the EFI Process Settings tab. Once activated, the system automatically adds 1 to each vehicle's utilization counter for each fueling transaction processed.

  1. Select Fuel > Fuel Entry > Electronic Fueling > Modules from the RTA main menu (FFEM).
  2. Enter the facility number or press F1 to select a facility from the lookup list.
  3. Select a load module and choose Edit.
  4. Select the Process Settings tab.
  5. Select the Track vehicle use checkbox, if not already selected.
  6. Save the load module record.

Days This Period

Setting the "Days This Period" tells the system the total number of days vehicles are available for use; this is used in calculating vehicle utilization.

  1. Select System > Setup System Switches > Main System Parameters from the RTA main menu (SSM).
  2. Enter password level 3.
  3. Enter the number of days available in the current period in switch 5, if not already set.

Another way to set the total number of days is to process end of period (EOP) for vehicles; doing so updates the value in the "Days This Period" switch. When implementing the Utilization Tracking feature, it's a good idea to start at the beginning of a new period so setting the total days this way is recommended. Refer to "End of Period for Vehicles" for additional instructions if necessary.

  1. Complete all the steps required before running EOP.
  2. Select System > End of Period/Month > End of Period Vehicles from the RTA main menu (SEV).
  3. Enter password level 2.
  4. Read the message displayed and choose Yes to continue.
  5. Fill in all the EOP criteria including Number of work days.

Updating the Vehicle Utilization Count

As previously stated, if you're using EFI, the system automatically adds 1 to each vehicle's utilization counter for each fueling transaction processed. If necessary, add additional days through the fuel entry options as described for those who aren't using EFI.

  1. Select Fuel > Fuel Entry > Many States or Fuel > Fuel Entry > Quick Fuel Entry from the RTA main menu (FFM, FFQ).
  2. Enter fuel data as needed. Refer to Fuel Inventory for instructions if necessary.
  3. At the Days between fuelups (in Many States) or Days Used (in Quick Fuel Entry) entry field, indicate how many days the vehicle was used.

Reviewing Vehicle Utilization Statistics

The Total Vehicle Cost by Department or Vehicle report provides the total days used, days possible for use, and utilization percentage for each vehicle in the report (RVD, RVV). In addition, summary information is provided at the end of the report for groups of vehicles so you can see how the fleet is doing as a whole.
Process End of Period Vehicles (SEV) to clear the utilization statistics for the current and reset it for tracking in the new period. Refer to "End of Period for Vehicles" for additional information.

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