Vehicle Repair History and Costs

Vehicle Repair History and Costs

If you wish to have vehicle history from before you started using the RTA system, you have several options:

  • If you were using a computerized system, you can have RTA write a custom vehicle history conversion program for you. Contact our sales department if you are interested in this option.
  • Work orders can be manually input for all previous work performed (WB). This option can be time-consuming-implementing your new RTA system and keeping up with the daily tasks are usually enough to keep everyone busy. However, if you enter the old work orders as time permits, the benefit is that you'll have history and transaction detail for the parts used and the mechanics who performed the jobs. Once it's all entered, the information will be readily available should you need it, which may save time down the road. If you choose this option, enter the work orders using the Batch WOs option (WB). Refer to "Batch Work Orders" for additional information.
  • Another option is entering summary history information (i.e., no transaction detail for parts and labor). The benefit of using this option is that you'll have vehicle history for the jobs done and costs incurred, and it can be quickly entered without having to add work orders. If you choose this option, refer to the next section for instructions.

Adding Vehicle Repair History and Costs

To enter summary vehicle history, do the following:

  1. Select System > Utilities > Vehicles > Enter Old History from the RTA main menu (STVE).
  2. Enter a vehicle number or press F1 to select a vehicle from the lookup list.
  3. Specify where to post the vehicle costs: life only; year and life; current period, year, and life; or none. These costs are included on reports such as Cost per Mile and Total Vehicle Cost reports. If you'll be processing end of period for vehicles (SEV), set this to LIFE or YEAR, LIFE. If you won't be processing end of period, set this to PERIOD, YEAR, LIFE. You also have the option of setting this to NO to not account for the costs; thereby, excluding them from the Cost per Mile and Total Vehicle Cost reports. The Vehicle History reports account for the costs entered regardless of the setting for this option.

REMINDER: If this option is set to anything other than NO, be sure to set the base meter in the vehicle record accordingly.

  1. Choose OK to proceed to the Add Vehicle History window.
  2. Enter the job code (VMRS) or press F1 to select a VMRS code from the lookup list.
  3. Enter the date when the job was completed or press F1 to select a date from the calendar.
  4. Enter the total part, labor, tire, oil, and outside costs for the job and the total time spent on it.
  5. Choose OK to accept the entry.
  6. Repeat steps 4 – 8 until all jobs done prior to using the RTA system have been recorded. Entries made are displayed in the bottom portion of the window.

All the entries made will appear on the vehicle history reports (RRD, RRV, RRI, RRS).

Reviewing Vehicle History

Vehicle history records are generated from work orders and manual entries (STVE, WM). Numerous vehicle history options are available so you can easily see all the maintenance and repairs performed on the vehicles in your fleet. Providing documentation for inspections is a breeze when you use the RTA system!

Viewing Vehicle History

To view vehicle history for a specific vehicle, do the following:

  1. Bring up a vehicle record (MVM or Ctrl+Q).
  2. Select View > View WO History from the menu or click on the View WO History icon in the toolbar.
  3. Select a radio button to specify whether to sort the history by date or VMRS code.
  4. Depending on the sort method selected, enter the starting repair date or VMRS code.
  5. Choose OK and the vehicle history records will be displayed.
  6. If you wish to view the work order detail for a particular history entry, double-click on the desired line or highlight it and then press ENTER. NOTE: Details are not available for miscellaneous work orders (indicated by work order number of 9999999) or work orders that have been purged from the system (SGWW).

Repair History Reports

  • Vehicle Repair History by Vehicle or Department (RRV, RRD)
  • Vehicle History Interval (RRI)
  • Vehicle History Summary (RRS)
  • History by Work Order Facility (RRF)
  • History Status (RRO)

Reviewing Vehicle Part Usage History

To view parts posted to a specific vehicle, follow the steps listed below. This option displays parts posted on work orders (WW, WB, WPL, PQ). Parts posted through fueling, TriCoders, or miscellaneous work orders (WM) are not displayed.

  1. Bring up a vehicle record (MVM or Ctrl+Q).
  2. Select View > View Part History from the menu or click on the View Part History icon in the toolbar.
  3. If you wish to view the work order detail for a particular item, highlight that line and then choose View WO. NOTE: Details are not available for work orders that have been purged from the system (SGWW).

Reviewing Vehicle Cost

Vehicle costs are updated as work orders, fuel tickets, and other transactions are posted in the system. Numerous reports are provided so the vehicle costs can be analyzed. These reports should be reviewed and analyzed periodically.

Cost per Unit Reports

  • Cost per Unit by Vehicle or Department (RCV, RCE)
  • Cost per Unit by Year and Make combinations (RCO, RCY, RCM, RCA)
  • Vehicle Operating Cost (RCP)

Total Cost Reports

  • Total Vehicle Cost by Vehicle or Department (RVV, RVD)
  • Vehicle Audit Report (RVA)
  • User-Defined Cost (RVB)
  • Vehicle Fixed Cost (RVC)

Correcting Vehicle Cost and History

Two options are available allowing changes to be made directly to vehicle repair history, mileage, cost, and usage; they are: 1) Change Cost Figures and 2) Change Repair History. Use these options with care and only when absolutely necessary as they only change vehicle records, not the transaction records! RTA recommends making changes by posting offsetting or negating entries, if possible, where the original error was made. For example, if too many gallons of fuel were posted, post a fuel transaction for a negative quantity to back out the overage OR if too many parts or hours were posted to a work order, post a correcting entry to that work order. Making corrections in this manner corrects inventory levels, mechanic productivity statistics, and most importantly, gives you an audit trail.

Viewing and Changing Cost and Usage

When costs and usage are posted to vehicles throughout the RTA system, the vehicle cost records are updated. The cost and usage data can be viewed by accessing the Change Cost Figures option (STVF). This is a great option to use to get a quick glance of costs for a particular vehicle. The data displayed in this option is used in most of the vehicle period cost reports. Viewing the information on these screens can be very helpful to determine where the costs are coming from. If data entry errors have occurred, the vehicle data can be corrected here. However, it is best to make correcting entries where the errors occurred so corresponding reports will reflect the changes.
To view the accumulated costs for a specific vehicle, do the following:

  1. Bring up a vehicle record (MVM or Ctrl+Q).
  2. Select View > View Cost Figures from the menu or click on the View Cost Figures icon in the toolbar.
  3. Select items from the Screen menu or click on the various icons in the toolbar to view the desired cost figures.

To view or have the ability to change vehicle cost and usage data, do the following:

  1. Select System > Utilities > Vehicles > Change Cost Figures from the RTA main menu (STVF).
  2. Enter a vehicle number or press F1 to select a vehicle from the lookup list.

There are six various data screens: General Information, Maintenance Costs, Other Costs, Usage, Add Lubricants, and Definables. Each screen displays three data columns; the first column displays current period data; the second, year-to-date data; the third, life-to-date data. The General Information screen (shown above) is displayed first. To change to a different data screen, simply select the desired screen from the Screens option in the menu or click on the corresponding icon in the toolbar.
The screens are brought up in the view only mode, which allows the data to be easily viewed, yet prevents data from accidentally getting changed. To view data for the next vehicle record, select File > Next Record from the menu or click on the Next Record icon in the toolbar. For convenience, the next vehicle record displays the same data screen as the previous vehicle, making it quick and easy to view specific data for numerous vehicles. To edit the data,

  1. Select File > Edit Mode from the menu.
  2. Enter password level 1.
  3. Make the changes as needed. The new value entered will replace the old value. Changes made to current period data will concurrently affect year-to-date and life-to-date data. Changes made to year-to-date data will concurrently affect life-to-date data. Changes made to life-to-date data will not affect current period or year-to-date data.

NOTE: Once in edit mode, the screens remain in edit mode until you exit this option or until you disable the edit mode.
General Information Screen
The first screen to be displayed when Change Cost Figures is selected. If you switched to a different screen and want to view this screen again, select Screens > General Info from the menu, press ALT+G, or click on the General info icon in the toolbar.

  • Miles/Hours: Depending on how the metering unit for this vehicle is set (MVM), this field displays either the number of gallons consumed, running hours, kilometers, miles, or units traveled. This is calculated every time meter readings are updated. This can occur in various places throughout the RTA system such as the Work Order, Paperless Shop, Fuel Inventory, EFI, and Tire Inventory modules. Meter corrections and adjustments can also affect the data in this field.
  • Accident Cost: This field displays accident/damage costs posted through the Work Order and Paperless Shop modules. Costs are placed in this category when the DAMAGE repair type code is used on work order lines. Any costs posted to this type of work order line are added to the appropriate cost categories (Parts Cost, Labor Cost, etc.) as well as the Accident Cost category. For example, if $500 in labor cost was incurred, $500 would be added to the Labor Cost category and $500 would be added to the Accident Cost category. This information is useful for insurance purposes and for analyzing the fleet and drivers.
  • Break Downs: This field displays the number of vehicle breakdowns. This counter is incremented every time a road call is entered in Misc WOs (WM). Analyzing the number of breakdowns is important since these repairs are more costly than scheduled services. With breakdown repairs, other costs are involved such as towing, mechanic travel time, replacement vehicle, loss of productivity, etc. Higher costs will also be incurred if the vehicle isn't accessible and the repairs have to be done at a non-company shop. If breakdowns are occurring often, PM schedules, parts, manufacturers, mechanics, etc. should be evaluated to determine the cause for the numerous breakdowns.
  • Revenues: This field displays the revenues generated. This data is useful for revenue generated vs. vehicle cost comparisons. Revenue is entered through the Revenue/Misc Costs Input option (FFR), and it can also be entered using the Many States option (FFM) if the "Accepting Revenues" switch is set to YES.
  • Down Time: Not currently in use.
  • Days Used/Possible: This field displays the vehicle utilization, which is calculated by dividing the number of days used by the possible days available for use. Days Used comes from entries made in the Fuel Inventory module. Days Possible comes from the entry made in the Number of work days field when end of period for vehicles is processed (SEV).

Maintenance Costs Screen
To view the data in this screen, select Screens > Maint. Costs from the menu, press ALT+M, or click on the Maint. Costs icon in the toolbar.

  • Labor Hours and Cost: These fields display the number of labor hours and labor costs posted through the Work Order and Paperless Shop modules.
  • Parts Cost: This field displays part costs posted through the Work Order, Paperless Shop, Fuel Inventory, and EFI modules for records flagged as PART or ANTIFREEZE types (MPM, MUF). Non-file parts posted through Work Orders and Paperless Shop are automatically placed in this category.
  • Outside Parts and Labor: This field displays outside parts and labor costs posted through the Work Order and Paperless Shop modules.
  • Maintenance Cost: This field displays the total costs for Labor, Parts, Outside Parts, and Outside Labor.
  • Tire Cost: This field displays tire costs posted through the Work Order, Paperless Shop, Fuel Inventory, EFI, and Tire Inventory modules for records flagged as a TIRE type (MPM, MUF). Non-file tires posted through the Post Tires and Post Warranty Tires options in Work Orders and Paperless Shop are automatically placed in this category.
  • Total Other Cost: This field displays the total from the Other Costs screen, which is made up of depreciation, appreciation, licensing, insurance, fuel, lubricants, vehicle washes, warranty credits for parts and labor, and miscellaneous costs. For more information about these costs, refer to "Other Costs Screen."
  • Total Cost: This field displays all costs that can possibly be incurred-the total vehicle costs, which is made up of total maintenance, tire, and total other costs.

Other Costs Screen
To view the data in this screen, select Screens > Other Costs from the menu, press ALT+O, or click on the Other Costs icon in the toolbar.

  • Miscellaneous Cost: This field displays miscellaneous costs posted through the Work Order and Paperless Shop modules.
  • Depreciation, Appreciation, Licensing, and Insurance: This displays the depreciation, license, and insurance fixed costs. All these costs are set up in the vehicle record (MVM) and are updated immediately after the end of period for vehicles is processed (SEV).
  • Fuel Cost: This displays fuel costs posted through the Work Order, Paperless Shop, Fueling, and EFI modules for records flagged as a FUEL type (MPM, MUF). Non-file parts posted through the Fueling or EFI modules will also be placed in this category when flagged in the same manner.
  • Lubricants Cost: This field displays the total cost for lubricants, which consists of file parts flagged as ATF, GEAR, HYDRAULIC, or OIL types that are posted through the Work Order, Paperless Shop, Fueling, and EFI modules. Non-file parts posted through the Fuel Inventory or EFI modules will also be placed in this category when flagged in the same manner.
  • Wash Costs: This displays the total cost of vehicle washes posted through the Vehicle Wash add-on option (VWW and VWT).
  • Warranty Credits: This displays the total for the Warranty Labor and Warranty Parts fields from the Usage screen. For more information about these costs, refer to "Usage Screen."
  • Total Other Cost: This field displays the total costs for Misc. Cost, Depreciation, Appreciation, Licensing, Insurance, Fuel, Lubricants Cost, Wash Cost, and Warranty Credits.

Usage Screen
To view the data in this screen, select Screens > Other Costs from the menu, press ALT+O, or click on the Other Costs icon in the toolbar.

  • Miles/Hours: Depending on how the metering unit for this vehicle is set (MVM), this field displays either the number of gallons consumed, running hours, kilometers, miles, or units traveled. This is calculated every time meter readings are updated. This can occur in various places throughout the RTA system such as the Work Order, Paperless Shop, Fuel Inventory, EFI, and Tire Inventory modules. Meter corrections and adjustments can also affect the data in this field. Changes to this field need to be made in the General Information screen.
  • Fuel and Lubricant Usage: These fields display the fuel and lubricant quantities posted through the Work Order, Paperless Shop, Fuel Inventory, and EFI modules. The Lubricant Usage field displays the total lubricant quantity, which consists of file parts, flagged as ATF, GEAR, HYDRAULIC, or OIL types, that are posted to work orders and fuel entries. Non-file parts posted through the Fuel Inventory or EFI modules will also be placed in this category when flagged in the same manner.
  • PM Labor and Parts: These fields display the parts and labor costs posted through the Work Order and Paperless Shop modules. Costs will be placed in these categories when the VMRS code on the work order lines match the PM VMRS codes defined in the vehicle PM record (MVM, PM Schedule sub-window). Any costs posted will be added to the appropriate Parts or Labor Cost categories as well as the PM Cost categories.
  • Warranty Labor and Parts: These fields display the warranty credits posted through the Post Warranty Parts and Post Warranty Labor options in the Work Order and Paperless Shop modules.
  • Parts, Labor, Tires, and Miscellaneous Overhead: If the "Overhead Fac/Cust Flag" switch is set to FACILITY (SSM, switch 34), these fields will display overhead costs. Overhead costs are calculated by multiplying the facility overhead rates (MFM) to the total parts, labor, tires, and miscellaneous costs posted through the Work Order and Paperless Shop modules.

Add Lubricants Screen
To view the data in this screen, select Screens > Add Lubricants from the menu, press ALT+A, or click on the Add Lubricants icon in the toolbar.
These fields display the quantities and costs posted through the Fuel Inventory and EFI modules. The quantities and costs include both file and non-file parts, flagged as OIL, ATF, ANTIFREEZE, HYDRAULIC, or GEAR types (MPM, MUF), that are posted along with fuel entries. All of the costs and usage shown, with the exception of antifreeze, are included in the Lubricant Cost and Lubricant Usage categories (located in the Other Costs and Usage screens). The costs displayed in the Antifreeze Cost category are included in the Parts Cost category (located in the Maintenance Costs screen).
NOTE: Parts posted to work orders aren't accounted for on this screen even if they're flagged as indicated. Instead, they are accounted for in the Parts Cost category. This is done to allow add-lubricants to be isolated from regular maintenance usage (e.g., PM oil vs. oil consumed).
Definables Screen
To view the data in this screen, select Screens > Definables from the menu, press ALT+D, or click on the Definables icon in the toolbar.
These fields display the part costs posted through the Work Order and Paperless Shop modules. These fields are user-definable and can be set up in the User Defined Buckets option (SSU). Costs will be placed in the appropriate categories when VMRS codes fall in the user-defined ranges.

Changing Repair History

In addition to changing the cost and usage data (previous section), you can change the repair history data. As previously stated, changes should be made, if possible, by posting offsetting or negative entries where the original error was made. For example, if too many parts or hours were posted to a work order, post a correcting entry to that work order. Making corrections in this manner corrects inventory levels, mechanic productivity statistics, and most importantly, gives you an audit trail.
Making direct changes to the repair history does not change the actual work order transactions-history reports will reflect the change(s), but not work order transaction reports, which may result in over or under billing customers. The changes made here also do not affect the vehicle cost and usage record used for vehicle period cost reports; be sure to adjust it accordingly if needed (STVF).
To change a history record, do the following:

  1. Select System > Utilities > Vehicles > Change Repair History from the RTA main menu (STVR).
  2. Enter a vehicle number or press F1 to select a vehicle from the lookup list.
  3. Select a radio button to specify whether to sort the history by date or VMRS code.
  4. Depending on the sort method selected, enter the starting repair date or VMRS code.
  5. Choose OK and the vehicle history records will be displayed.
  6. Highlight the record to change and choose Edit. The history record is displayed.
  7. Make the changes as needed.
  8. Choose OK to save the changes.

Viewing and Changing Vehicle Audit Records

When costs and usage are posted to vehicles throughout the RTA system, the vehicle cost records are updated. The cost and usage data can be viewed by accessing the Change Cost Figures option (STVF). This is a great option to use to get a quick glance of costs for a particular vehicle. The data displayed in this option is used in most of the vehicle period cost reports. Viewing the information on these screens can be very helpful to determine where the costs are coming from. If data entry errors have occurred, the vehicle data can be corrected here. However, it is best to make correcting entries where the errors occurred so corresponding reports will reflect the changes.
To view the accumulated costs for a specific vehicle, do the following:

  1. Select from the main menu System > Utilities > Vehicles > Audit File Adjustments (STVA).
  2. Enter the applicable facility number.
  3. Select the appropriate cost type you wish to adjust from the drop-down list of choices.
  4. Select whether the cost adjustment should update the current fiscal year totals or only the lifetime totals.
  5. Select the desired vehicle by typing the vehicle number or selecting it from the lookup list F1
  6. Enter the appropriate odometer reading.

  7. Enter the transaction date to associate with the adjustment.
  8. Enter the dollar amount you wish to adjust the cost type category by.
  9. Enter a description describing the reason for the adjustment.
  10. Click the POST button.

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