Adding Fuel Pumps

Step by Step guide

  1. Select Master > Fuel > Pump Maintenance (MUP) from the RTA main menu.
  2. In the “Pump Number” field, key in a numeric designation for the Pump you wish to add. Select the “Add” button.
  3. In the “Add Pump” screen, populate the fields as indicated below.

    1. Pump fuel type:
      Key in the fuel type dispensed from this pump, or press “F1” and use the lookup list.
    2. Tank number:
      Key in the tank number associated with this pump, or press “F1” and use the lookup list.
    3. Gallons posted:
      Do not enter data into this field. It will be updated by the system.
    4. Gallons posted previous period:
      Do not enter data into this field. It will be updated by the system.
    5. Previous reading:
      Key in the current tank stick reading into this field as this is the first reading used by the RTA system.
    6. Current reading:
      Key in the current tank stick reading into this field.
    7. Period beginning reading:
      Key in the current tank stick reading into this field as this is the first reading used by the RTA system.
  4. Save the record.