Availability and Status Log by Vehicle

Availability and Status Log by Vehicle

Summary/Use Case

Report Summary

The Availability and Status Log by Vehicle Report provides detailed information on vehicle availability and status within a specified date range. This report helps fleet managers track the usage, maintenance, and availability status of each vehicle, enabling informed decision-making about vehicle allocation and maintenance scheduling.

Use Case

  • Monitor vehicle availability over time to optimize fleet utilization

  • Identify vehicles requiring maintenance by observing patterns of downtime

  • Assess the impact of vehicle availability on overall fleet performance

  • Plan vehicle allocations based on historical availability data

  • Generate reports for auditing purposes or to provide insights to stakeholders regarding vehicle use and availability

Location: Where to Find It

Reports > RTA Standard Reports > Vehicle > Availability and Status Log by Vehicle



Data Filter Prompts

You will be prompted for filtering of the Data to specify and narrow down the data that will be pulled. See Data Filter List Below for Options.

Parameter List


Parameter Name

Value (Default)

Parameter Name

Value (Default)

Please enter an availability start date

Defaulted to start of the previous month

Please enter an availability end date

Defaulted to end of the previous month

Data Filter List


Filter Name

Recommended Filter Condition(s)

Value (Options)

Value (Default)

Filter Name

Recommended Filter Condition(s)

Value (Options)

Value (Default)


Is Between

1 - 99999

1 - 99999


Is Between

blank - zzzzzzzzzzzz

blank - zzzzzzzzzzzz

Report Output and Data Elements

Report Output

The Availability and Status Log by Vehicle Report provides a detailed view of each vehicle's status within the selected date range. It includes data such as the facility number, vehicle ID, status start and end times, current status, availability indicator, and hours available. Totals are provided at the bottom, showing the sum of available hours, total possible hours, and percentage availability, which gives a comprehensive understanding of availability during the defined time period.


Report Data Elements

Column Number

Column Title

Data Notes

Column Number

Column Title

Data Notes



The facility to which the vehicle is assigned



ID and description of the vehicle


Is first status?

Indicates if this is the first status logged within the system


Status Start

Timestamp when the status period begins


Status End

Timestamp when the status period ends



Status of vehicle with Status Start and End Date/Time (e.g., Available, Unavailable, Repair)



Indicates if the vehicle status is counting towards availability (Yes/No)


Hours Available

Total hours the vehicle was available during the period