Correcting Fuel Transactions

The RTA system is a real-time system. Once a transaction is entered, data is immediately updated. Original entries cannot be modified. However, additional entries can be made to offset and fix incorrect postings.

If you find an error, the easiest way to make corrections is through the Quick Fuel Entry option (FFQ). When posting a transaction to correct an error, use the same fueling date and mileage as the original transaction so the original transaction and correction will appear on reports generated by date (Closed Fuel Transactions, Fuel Billing statements, etc.)

ProblemHow To Correct
Posted too many gallons

Enter a transaction with a negative fuel quantity to back out the exces gallons (use a positive fuel price).

Posted wrong price per gallon, fuelling date, vehicle or pumpEnter two transactions: 1) Negate the original entry by inputing the same data as the original transaction except the fuel quantity will be posted as a negative number (again, use a positive fuel price), 2) Reenter the fuel transaction using the correct data.
Vehicle meter reading too lowNo correction is needed if the fuel cost and usage are correct. However, if you would like to update the meter immediately rather than waiting until the next fuel entry, you can post a zero quantity fuel transaction with the correct meter reading.
Vehicle meter reading too highFor this correction it is recommended that you contact RTA Tech Support for assistance.